
Nach einer Inspiration von Mützenfalterin und Marianne Büttiker

0088 26.02.13 ich tät mir gern entgleiten

tät ich mir gern entgleiten.

Und wenn ich dann ein Fisch im Wasser bin,
stelle ich die Flossen auf
lass mich von den Wellen leiten …

I would like to slip away from myself.

And if  I`ll be a fish in the water, then
I set up my fins
let myself lead by the waves …

21 Gedanken zu „Entgleiten

  1. Schönes Photo, liebe Ulli!

    Albert Einstein fragte sich:
    „Was weiss ein Fisch vom Wasser, in dem er sein Leben lang herumschwimmt?“ 🙂

    Schönes Wochenende und weiterhin gute Erholung wünsche ich dir –
    gleich wieder auf dem Weg zur Arbeit


  2. Here and now
    You would like to slip away but, sometimes, I would like to run away from the stifling situation in which I live .

    Once upon a time, a young fish asked an old fish: „Everyone talks about this thing they call ‚ocean.‘ What the heck is it?“
    The older and wiser fish answered: „The ocean is this thing that surrounds you on all sides.“
    The younger fish didn’t understand: „There’s nothing around me! Why can I not see this ‚ocean?'“
    „Of course you cannot,“ the old fish was patient. „The ocean is both inside and outside of you. You were born in the ocean and chances are you will die in it. The ocean flows around you, just as your own skin does.“


    • dear Marcelo, this sounds like a cry for changings – I often thought, when I read your comments, that there is something sad in the background …

      every new way starts with its first step … easy words, but often life is not so easy as words imply-
      it is a litlle bit like your fishstory, too, often we are not able to see what is really around us …

      today I`ll send you a virtuell hug
      fondly Ulli


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